summer happenings

Well, hello. It’s been nearly two months since my last post: life has been hectic, crazy, and really fun. Here are some photos from the past few months:


^^^weekends with little dude while papa sleeps. we frequent church, playgrounds, and target.^^^

IMG_6112^^^little dude got a major haircut from aunt carri and immediately looked more like his papa. i miss his baby hair!^^^

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset^^^we walk past this church all the time. i think it’s really beautiful.^^^

IMG_6013^^^we love spending time with grandpapa {he and Levi are basically the same person, it’s hilarious}. he’s in england for 6 weeks, so we miss him lots.^^^

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset^^^cupcakes to celebrate my birthday. hello, 31!^^^

IMG_6241 IMG_6250 IMG_6211^^^family time at the playground & the beach.^^^

A few other notable happenings:

Levi weaned from his bottle at the beginning of June. He’s a big kid now with his sippy cups. He’s also now fully weaned from nursing before bed {this was more dramatic for me, I think}, and before naps. We nurse in the wee hours of the morning, again when we’re up for the day, and then sometime in the afternoon/after work. I still really enjoy our nursing time. In addition to signing “more” and “milk” to indicate he wants milk, he’s now started saying ‘nana’. We can’t quite figure out if it’s his word for nursing, or if it just means that he wants something.

Levi said “mama” the other day and I nearly cried. He says “papa”, but he doesn’t do it consistently. He is able to verbally say “Lennon” which is really cute; he also says “hi”, “night, night”, and “all done”. He’s still signing “please”, “thank you” and I think the most adorable thing he does at this stage is turn his hands up when you ask him where something is. At this age, it’s crazy to see how much he picks up on  and how he’s trying to verbalize {and it’s heartbreaking when he gets so frustrated}.

I re-joined a gym, and have been making an effort to work out again. It’s really hard to get to the gym after working and juggling schedules, but it’s worth it. The group fitness classes are a blast, and my body feels good.

We’re feeling a little stir crazy in our tiny apartment, and are considering a move to a different neighborhood/area of the city.











9/52 + 10/52 + 11/52

looks like i missed a few weeks. here are some snaps from the past three weeks with the little dude.

IMG_53829/52 — we’ve been sick. again. seems like L has a perpetual runny nose.

IMG_536510/52 — he’s started mimicking speech more and more: this week, he started repeating Chris when he said “uh oh”. it sounds like, “uh oh oh oh”.

DSC_035811/52 — he is obsessed with keys. o b s e s s e d. as in, he signs “more” and points to them until he holds them in his chubby little hands. and when i say “no”  there’s a meltdown. when he says “keys” it sounds like a cross between cheese and these.


five finds for friday

1\\ an easy tutorial re: styling short hair.

2\\ my hunter’s bit the dust, so i’m in need of some new rain boots for the rainy

weather that is upon chicago. these are pretty.

3\\ how delicious do these homemade samoas look? i’d probably eat the entire batch.

4\\ genius idea for thrift store and flea market finds.

5\\  now that i’m not pumping, i’m able to resume my obsession with dresses

{for the first time in nearly two years!} this dress is a pretty, work appropriate option.

happy friday!


five finds for friday

{source: Bows & Sequins}

1 // i’m loving this casual spring outfit over at Bows & Sequins. this is the type of outfit i can live in for the weekend.

2 // although written for NYC, this NYC basic tips & etiquette applies to city living here in Chicago. bravo!

3 // have you seen this 20 questions that will tell you if it’s love questionnaire on psychology today? so fascinating.

4 // our beloved wrigley field turned 100 this week.

5 // sometimes it seems all parenting decisions i make are the wrong ones. this post confirms it — parents: you’re all doing it wrong

happy friday!



five finds for friday

{source: corals + cognacs}

a few of my favorite finds from around the internet this week:

1) hallie from corals + cognacs rocking this look. makes me want to buy a striped blazer. i spotted this one at target, and might re-think my initial assessment that it was “too stripey-stripey”.

2) this piece about married life. so true. also, i love momastery.

3) an inspiring post about a journey to become foster parents/pre-adoptive family placement by jen loves kev 

4) i’m on the hunt for a new wedding ring since i developed an allergy to my current white-gold set. this one’s really pretty.

5) and 26 food things only a chicagoan would understand. particularly #5, #11, #12, #17, #20.

happy weekend, ya’ll.