easter 2014

we spent easter sunday with my parents at their church {we = L and me since hubby had to work…boo}. L hunted easter eggs for the first time and found two {TWO!} eggs all by himself. he was so proud. he carried them around for the rest of the day, it was the sweetest thing.

although we missed papa, we started the day with opening the gifts we got him for his easter basket. he really liked the green toys airplane and tractor, hence his huge cheesy grin below.

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and just for fun, an easter photo from last year…crazy to see how much the little guy has grown!

easter 2013 1

finger painting

After a week of being sick and pretty much cooped up in the house, I was feeling desperate for an activity to do with L other than, “let’s play with toys & read books”. I found this recipe online for easy finger paints with ingredients I already had in the pantry.

So, I stripped L of his shirt, and plopped him in the highchair to give it a go. I think he got the general idea, other than taste-testing the paint and licking the paper. I hung the card stock to dry, and hope to use them to create cards for family or perhaps this to frame in his bedroom.

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